So Loved

There’s one little word we use in English that changes a normal thing, or even a pretty good thing, into an amazing thing. It’s the word, "SO." When we use “so” before another word, it heightens that thing we’re talking about. For example, if someone asks, “How was your vacation?” and you respond, “SO good!”, we know that it wasn’t “just” good, it was as good as good can be! There are two places in the Bible where God describes his love for you and puts the word “so” in front of it. Why? He wants you to know this heightened sense with which He loves you...that doesn’t just love you, but that he SO LOVES YOU! In this series, we’re going to talk about what the implications of his “so loved” are for you, as well as for CrossWinds.

So Deep | 9.25.22

So Wide | 10.02.22