Choose This Not That

With countless choices coming at us everyday, we must constantly evaluate and prioritize. Work late or go home early? Splurge on vacation or repair the car? Volunteer there or there or there? Donate or not? Diet or dessert? Yardwork or Netflix? Sometimes we get it right. Sometimes we get it wrong. All this non-stop decision making can feel like we’re living in a constant state of flux that easily turns to chaos. But…if we could pre-decide a few key choices that determined how we’ll handle the smaller “everyday” choices, we’d reduce the chaos and have a better chance of our choices lining up with our values. This series will help us pre-decide Jesus-centric choices so that nothing derails us from the choices God wants us to make as we live into the life he calls us to live. 

Jesus Over Everything | 04.16.23

Acceptance Over Judgment | 04.30.23

Wisdom Over Knowledge | 05.14.23

Honesty Over Hiding | 05.28.23

Real Over Perfect | 04.23.23

Service Over Spotlight | 05.07.23

Commitment Over Mood | 05.21.23