Reading Revelation Responsibly

The Book of Revelation. It’s the Grand Finale, the last thing we read in the Bible. But it’s a tricky book to read…and an even trickier book to fully understand. Most people fall into two categories when they think about Revelation: they either ignore it because it’s too crazy, or they go a little too crazy trying to decipher its hidden meanings. But what if there’s a different way to read Revelation? What if Revelation is less about the antichrist than it is about the Living Christ? What if it was less about a rapture out of this world, and more about how to live faithfully in this world? This three-week series will show us how Revelation speaks just as much to how we live in the present as it does to what will happen in the future. 

Week 1 | 06.04.23

Week 3 | 06.18.23

Week 2 | 06.11.23